Like in most leadership area of life in the world, men always want to be on top of issues. So also in infertility, men like to feel that they cannot be the cause, and this has led to very disastrous situations, they always feel that the problem is the women, so they refuse to do any test initially, because they will tell you that during their fling years they had impregnated not less than 5 girls especially when they where single and so cannot be the cause of the infertility, they do not realize that the only thing that cannot change in life is CHANGE itself, they may be okay 6 months ago but now they could be having severe low sperm count.
In my many years of practice, I have seen not one but many cases where a lady comes to the clinic for infertility, we spend so long time testing her even when she is normal, however the husband refuses to come for any test until the lady crosses 35 years of age and now suffer from fibroids and other hormonal problems, now she herself has now become a major cause of the infertility, when eventually the man comes for the test, we discover that he has low sperm count, if he had checked himself earlier and treatments done, the couple could have become pregnant and not fall into this situation. This must stop.
After scanning the scrotum of a male infertility patient so many years ago I was very frank with him and told him that from what I have seen, it will take a miracle for him to impregnate any women, that he should seek assisted reproductive techniques. It will look as if I was too firm, but I simply said the truth, when he was young he had bilateral testicular torsions that was improperly treated and eventual led to the death of his testes, though before my scanning he never knew that his testes are just DEAD BALLS, they were very tiny and abnormal looking. As I am writing this article he has remained infertile with 0% sperm count.
Low sperm count also called OLIGOSPERMIA is one of the main causes of male infertility, it is considered that a man has low sperm count when he has less than 20 million spermatozoa per milliliter of ejaculate.
There are some men that are particularly prone to low sperm count, They include those that are:
[1] Being age 35 or older
[2] Smoking tobacco
[3] Abusing alcohol
[4] Using certain illegal drugs
[5] Being overweight
[6] Being underweight
[7] Having certain past or present infections
[8] Being exposed to toxins
[9] Overheating the testicles
[10] Having a prior vasectomy or vasectomy reversal
[11] Being born with a fertility disorder or having a blood relative with a fertility disorder
[12] Having certain medical conditions, including tumors and chronic illnesses
[13] Undergoing medical treatments, such as surgery or radiation for cancer
[14] Taking certain medications
[15] Bicycling for long periods, especially on a hard seat or poorly adjusted bicycle
[16] Have had a badly treated testicular torsion in the past
There are many reasons for low sperm count, but the most confirmed major reason is infection. Some infectious diseases that can lead to low sperm count are:
There are many reasons for low sperm count, but the most confirmed major reason is infection. Some infectious diseases that can lead to low sperm count are:
(a) PROSTATITIS: This is the swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland, a walnut sized gland located directly below the bladder in men. The prostate gland produces fluid (SEMEN) that nourishes and transport sperm. Prostatitis often cause painful and difficult urination, pain in the joints, pelvic area and genitals and sometimes causes fever like symptoms. Prostatitis can be caused by bacterial infections and chronic prostatitis can lead to low sperm count
(b) EPIDIDYMITIS: This is a medical condition in which there is an inflammation of the epididymis (a curved structure at the back of the testicle in which sperm matures and is stored). This comprises gradual onset of testicular pains that can vary from mild to severe leading to the scrotum becoming red, warm and swollen. The major cause of epididymis is infection especially in sexually active men, where Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequent causative bacteria, other are E.coli, Niesseria Gonorrhea and staphylococcus aureus. Epididymitis is another major cause of low sperm count
(c) ORCHITIS: This is an inflammation of one or both testicles, it is caused by bacteria, including sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea and Chlamydia or very resistant staphylococcus aureus. Orchitis often result from epididymis, in this case it is called epididymo-orchitis. Symptoms of orchitis are similar to those of testicular torsion, such as ejaculation of blood, hematuria (blood in urine), severe pain, visible swelling of a testicle or testicles and often the inguinal lymph modes in the affected side. Orchitis is a major cause of low sperm count.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterial infection that is highly resistant to some antibiotics. Staphylococcus aureus is a common type of bacteria that normally live on the skin and sometimes in the nasal passages of healthy people.
MRSA refers to Staph. aureus strains that do not respond to some of the antibiotics used to treat staph infections. The bacteria can cause infection when they enter the body through a cut, sore, catheter, or breathing tube. The infection can be minor and local (for example, a pimple), or more serious (involving the heart, lung, blood, or bone).Serious staph infections are more common in people with weak immune systems. This includes patients in hospitals and long-term care facilities and those receiving kidney dialysis.
Though staphylococcus aureus is not a venereal disease like Chlamydia or gonorrhea, but have been found in the laboratory samples of patients with low sperm count, indicating that they are also a cause of low sperm count especially in chronic stage. So like any other bacteria infection thorough treatment is necessary.
When a man suffers low sperm count or infertility, he must initially undergo series of tests such as:
A) Seminal Fluid Analysis and Culture (SFA)
B) Urine m/c/s
C) Full Blood Count
D) Test to screen for Chlamydia
E) Scrotal testicular ultrasound scan
F) Hormonal profile test
a. ANTIBIOTICS: If the infected is caused by bacteria (in the case of gonorrhea or Chlamydia, sexual partner must also be treated) even in case of staphylococcus aureus.
b. SPERM BOOSTERS: After treating infection. It does not mean that the sperm count will improve, so the sperm count has to be worked on to the improved them.
In cases of chronic low sperm count and persisting infertility, 2 or 3 attempts of assisted pregnancy techniques like Sperm Washing and IUI must be tried. Sperm washing and IUI is a very good treatment for low sperm count, because during process of sperm washing, the sperm count is artificially concentrated and improved to normal count and then the washed sperms are injected into the female womb, hoping it will lead to pregnancy.
For accurate assessment of your fertility situation, contact us at JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria.
For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact
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Opposite The Synagogue Church Busstop,
Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos
Postcode: 100265
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