Sunday, November 28, 2010



My Dear Friend,
I could have written an article to you earlier, but I had to travel for one week to Calabar, in the South South region of Nigeria to attend a medical conference.
This is my first time of ever going to Calabar, and I was never disappointed by what I saw and experienced.
I will encourage you to make out time and visit the city.
Do you know that there are no pot holes in the lovely road networks of Calabar, and even the streets are tarred.
You need to see the recreation activities there.
There are so many bars, restaurants, hotels, eateries and niteclubs
In fact the city is purely a Tourist delight
I could not help it

Throughout the one week I spent there, I made sure I visited at least one Isi-Ewu joint, and have as much healthy meals of edikainko and afang soups to swallow that well and homely made semovita and pounded yam.
Me-en , it was great
I now understand why Calabar citizens are looking healthy and well built
I also took out time to visit a Golden penny Flour Factory, though smaller than that in Lagos, it was modern and fully functional, producing all your favourite semovita, bread flour, and whole wheat meal.
Especially the whole meal wheat which is very good for your health and well being.
On the last day, we decided to visit the very popular TINAPA resort.
I must tell you, that TINAPA is a sight to behold, well built with colossal structures and located in a scenic location near a lake.
The only problem I noticed with TINAPA is that it was completely under utilised
So promoting more poverty among the people.
I will not also forget to say that as much as Calabar scored very high grades on my score sheet
Electricity problem was a major issue there, like in every other city in Naija.
As I was informed, from December 1st to January 1st is all holiday in Calabar , so that the Great Calabar Carnival can start.
I was also informed that it will be  all fun,
so please if you are planning a wonderful  holiday for you and your family in Naija
Make sure it is Calabar this December and Xmas.
I know you have made up your mind now to make your next visit to be Calabar
Please do not also forget to visit the dark Calabar smoked fish joints scattered all over the city.
It is gorgeous, the fish is great and also cheap .

Infertility is a major problem nowadays, and it is even getting to an epidemic level
In my recent write ups, I have explained that infertility problems have something to do with age.
Because our ladies are now chasing education and carreer before considering marriage and child birth, so they are now getting into family issues very late.
As ladies mature, there ovarian reserve continue to reduce so leading to infertility.
Also at mature age, they are prone to hormonal problems and fibroids.
Infertility is the inability of a lady to conceive after having regular sexual relationship for one year.
If she is 30 to 35 years and older, it is reduced to 6 months.
However in some ladies, they even marry early, got pregnant and have one or more children, then they try again to have another child , but could not.
This simple statement is known as Secondary Infertility.
In our local environ, we can easily redefine it to be like this. If a young lady got pregnant in her young school days, then aborted it, and now seeking to get pregnant after been married, it is also known as Secondary Infertility.
Also ladies that get recurrent miscarriages and still born babies are also cases of secondary infertility.
Secondary Infertility is always a puzzle to couples and it also generate many questions, which we as Diagnostic Fertility Specialists try our best to answer .
I had a client recently, that have had four children from her previous marriage, so she could be considered as a lady that cannot have infertility problem.
She latter remarried and thought it will be business as usual
But for five years in her new  marriage she could not get pregnant for her husband, and was really getting desperate and frustrated.
You would have concluded I am sure that it must be the man’s fault
But unfortunately for her, this man is a rich alhaji that have many other  wives and the other wives are still getting pregnant till date for him.
Her case was clearly a case of Secondary Infertility.
Now let me tell you this
If you are suffering from secondary infertility, the causes are almost and in most cases always the same as in primary infertility
It could be due to tubal blockage, ovulation disorders , hormonal changes , low sperm count and other causes.
So the best thing is to first undertake all the usual studies for infertility  like HSG, Folliculometry, Hormonal Profile, HVS , Full Blood Count and others.
From my experience, I notice that a lot of ladies with secondary infertility have some form of tubal blockage, probably due to infections from delivery , c&s or even abortions.
And the problem could be as simple as a Mucous Plug tubal blockage.
So if you have secondary infertility, please always try HSG and Sonohydrotubation, it could just make the difference.
In the case of the lady I talked about earlier with secondary infertility, we only tried the Secret Fertility System procedures on her, and like magic within 3 months her five years infertility disappeared, she is now pregnant for 8 months.
We are only waiting for her safe delivery, which is compulsory by God’s Grace, before I put on a new clothings for the iko-omo celebrations.
Yours could just be the next

JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria, offer comprehensive infertility screening tests for both couples like Transvaginal Scan for uterine and ovarian functions,Ovulation/follicular tracking, HSG to evaluate the fallopian tubes, blood tests for hormone check, semen analysis etc. We also offer a simple assisted reproductive procedure like INTRAUTERINE INSEMINATION [IUI].
For accurate assessment of your fertility situation, contact us at JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria.

For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact


We are located at

JOAS HOUSE, 2, Okesuna Street,
Opposite The Synagogue Church Busstop,
Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos
Postcode: 100265



The contents, blogs and postings provided in this site are offered strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical nor financial advice on any matter. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, and if you have any questions regarding the contents please contact us.
The informations provided in this site is subject to change without notice.
This site may contain links to other internet sites, we are not responsible for the privacy, practices nor the content of such sites, nor their relationships

Monday, November 15, 2010



Hi Friend,

After the topic on pelvic infection, many of you reached out to me, and requested that I shine some light of fibroids.
Two of you specifically asked if it is possible to have fibroids and still get pregnant.
I understand why fibroid is big deal here in Nigeria and among the blacks worldwide
You see, if you have purchased the Secret Fertility System eBook. The topic on fibroids was well dealt with there.
There is a particular story of a lady I talked about in the eBook.
To some of you reading my stories, you may think I try to cook up one or more stories to be able to make my points in my articles.
But I must tell you that you are wrong.
All my stories are true
They are stories from my over 16 years interactions with thousands of clients, both at home and abroad.
However, you too will understand why I shield their names and some of their other particulars
So as to give them privacy
Now this lady is a very close family friend
The first day I met her I taught she is over 8 months pregnant
But within a short time I could easily realise she is not pregnant but suffering from fibroids or have a massive abdominal cyst.
For one, she has successfully had two grown up boys and was agile , which is rare for any pregnant woman at that stage of her suppose pregnancy.
So I accosted her about it, she came out clean, knowing I am in the medical profession.
She explained that for years, it has been like that and growing
And her menstruation have always been heavy and painful
After her second boy, she had tried having more kids but no way.
She has tried everything from orthodox to natural medicine and spiritual to get rid of the fibroids , but nothing worked
Her impatient husband, a very typical omo-ibo , who would not continue to wait endlessly for another child, decided to have another wife to continue filling the house with more children.
After some years, fortunately or unfortunately for this our family friend, the menstruation bleeding came on one of her usual days, but never stopped.
She was rushed to the hospital, where everything was done by the doctors to stop the bleeding, but to no avail.
The most logical solution was to save the life of the woman and that is by complete removal of the womb.
It was a hard decision to be made, but there was nothing anyone can do .
Her womb was removed and she was saved.
Though she can never have anymore children in her life, but luckily she is still alive to take care of her two boys.
She was always this cheerful fun loving person full of jokes to tell, so we never ever saw any regrets in her, she is still fun loving till today, never forgetting to tell you that she no more need contraceptives.

Fibroids are like that
70% of ladies with fibroids will never see this extreme situation, but about 20% of them will have this heavy menstrual loss.
The true story I gave you is extreme , however like I say less than 2% of ladies with fibroids will suffer her fate.

Before I jump fully into this topic
I want to tell you about the greatest and only definite solution to fibroids.
From my many years in the practice, I have found out that fibroids are seriously related to female age.
You will hardly find fibroids in ladies in their early twenties
Most ladies with fibroids develop them in their late twenties to early thirties
Because of modernisation, financial and a carreer driven world,  we have all been shying away from this truth.
The only way to stop the scourge of fibroids is for ladies to get married very early [ maybe at eighteen to twenty years] just like in the olden days, and have all their children before the age of twenty six.
My wife started having kids at the age of twenty and stopped at twenty nine [4 kids], even with family planning and child spacing. She is a graduate and no regrets and I must add she came from a family with history of fibroids.
This is almost an impossible situation for most ladies , because it is now a norm for ladies to finish their university studies before getting married , some of them even their Masters and PhD, while some after that they will pursue their career to the top first, and latter decide to want children.
This is the only reason why the number of ladies developing fibroids and infertility now a days are increasing like wide fire.
I can assure you, this will not stop.
Fibroid is an age related disease and it will always be a challenge.
It is really a big challenge
That is why I will suggest that , if you have fibroids and have successfully overcome infertility and have children that are girls.
It will be great if you can make plans for them not to suffer this same problem , because fibroids are also know to be genetic and inherited also.
This method have been and is still used to fight sickle cell and it is working, before most couple marry they undertake a genotype test to see if they are compatible.
If both of them have AS blood, they may not get married, so as to avoid have a sickle cell anaemic child.
So also something similar can be done , by the ladies getting married early, so as to avoid the fibroid scourge.
This could look like a joke, but let us look at this practical and funny suggestion.
Since we all want our daughters to be BSc, MSc, and  PhD holders before they marry and have kids. Why can we not save the money in a fixed deposit, education trust fund or insurance.
Allow them to get married and have kids early, and still fund their education.
I just feel this can help cure fibroid problems.
Though it is debatable

Uterine fibroids also known as myomas, leiomyomas or fibromyomas are non-cancerous tumor growths of the uterine.
Fibroids are common, benign growths of womb (uterine) muscle. They are present in around 1/4-5 of white women and 1/2 black women. They are most common toward the end of the reproductive years. They exist sometimes singly, but most often are multiple and range in size from microscopic to filling the whole of the lower abdomen! They are more common in obese women and those who have no children, there probably is some genetic determinant and they are less common in smokers.
Most fibroids do not cause symptoms, but overall symptomatic fibroids account for about one third of all hysterectomy operations.

Fibroids are named according to where they are found in your womb.
Intramural fibroids grow within the muscular wall of the womb.
Sub serous fibroids grow from the outside wall of the womb into the pelvic cavity. They can become very large.
Sub mucous fibroids grow from the inner wall of the womb into the space inside the womb.
Pedunculated fibroids grow from the outside of your womb. These fibroids are almost free of the wall of your womb and are only attached by a narrow stalk.
Fibroids range from the size of a pinhead to up to 20cm across.
Fibroid growth is very slow and can be stimulated by hormones, especially oestrogen. A hormone is a chemical found naturally in your body. Fibroids tend to become smaller and reduce in number when oestrogen levels fall, such as after the menopause.
Normally, it is believed that fibroid tumors do not have any effect on fertility and pregnancy, but studies have revealed that in about 3% of women, infertility is caused by uterine fibroids. Mainly large, multiple and pedunculated or stalked uterine fibroids are the real culprits.
Enlarged subserosal uterine fibroids may induce infertility in two ways:
 [1] By compressing the fallopian tubes and blocking the passage of sperm and egg.
[2] By distorting the pelvic anatomy to such an extent that it becomes difficult for the fallopian tube to capture an egg at the time of ovulation.

Large or multiple intramural and submucosal fibroids are also not far behind when it comes to inducing infertility. These tumors of the uterus can cause infertility in a myriad of ways.
[1] They may block the fallopian tube, thereby preventing sperm from fertilizing the egg.
[2] They may increase the size of the uterine cavity, which increases the distance that sperm have to travel.
[3] Both intramural and submucosal fibroids may have a severe impact on the uterus’ ability to contract, which in turn can interfere with sperm migration and ovum transport.
[4] Multiple and large submucosal fibroid as well as intramural fibroid tumors can distort the entire anatomy of the uterus. In such a situation, even if the sperm is able to fertilize the egg, the chances of that egg implanting are drastically reduced.

From the above statements you can see that fibroids can cause infertility, even though in most cases it is not.
Now to the question ‘’ Can someone with fibroids get pregnant?’’
The answer is yes
By percentage , about 50% of black ladies above 30 years have fibroids
Among those having fibroids, about 80% will get pregnant in their life time and have children
So you see , you have about 20% or less that will suffer prolonged infertility

This is why even though you have fibroids, you should be very hopeful that you will surely get pregnant eventually.
However remember this, size matters and location of the fibroids matter too, and can place you among the 20% that will suffer from infertility.

Many of you are so eager to cure your fibroids that you can accept anything called treatment from anybody
This is dangerous
I have seen some cases where some strange objects are placed into the vagina of ladies to cure fibroids, this objects, herbs or solutions are not inspected or know
I have seen clients that have undergone some of these strange procedures suffer from infections
The worse I have seen is when these strange thing burn their vaginal walls and cervix.
It was something to weep about when I had this client that have undergone this strange procedure somewhere, her vagina and cervix were so burnt, that she cannot have sex with her husband or even have babies because there is no cervical opening .
I tried checking the womb and tubes by HSG, even after forcing the cervix open surgically , we could not even successfully place the instruments for the tests, we had to abandon it.
That was how bad the case was.
In all my practice she should be the 4th I have seen, and I am sure many are out there.
Place make sure you know what this strange healers are giving you, if possible make sure it has NAFDAC and FDA approvals.

Do not think I have anything against natural medicine
No way
I have joined most of the natural medicine movements in Nigeria, such as GNLD, TIANSHI, KEDI, FOREVER LIVING etc
I even drink ALOE GEL DRINK everyday
So I believe in it
But I do not believe in giving anyone FALSE HOPE.
There are some natural and medical treatments for fibroids
But none are absolute
If you do not want surgery, you can try them.
However I must assure you that till today , Myomectomy or surgical removal of fibroids are the fastest.

We have tried the Secret Fertility System on some clients and it has worked
But definitely not for everyone
What the hell, go ahead and try
You could just succeed, and cure your infertility

JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria, offer comprehensive infertility screening tests for both couples like Transvaginal Scan for uterine and ovarian functions,Ovulation/follicular tracking, HSG to evaluate the fallopian tubes, blood tests for hormone check, semen analysis etc. We also offer a simple assisted reproductive procedure like INTRAUTERINE INSEMINATION [IUI].
For accurate assessment of your fertility situation, contact us at JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria.

For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact


We are located at

JOAS HOUSE, 2, Okesuna Street,
Opposite The Synagogue Church Busstop,
Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos
Postcode: 100265



The contents, blogs and postings provided in this site are offered strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical nor financial advice on any matter. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, and if you have any questions regarding the contents please contact us.
The informations provided in this site is subject to change without notice.
This site may contain links to other internet sites, we are not responsible for the privacy, practices nor the content of such sites, nor their relationships

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Hi Friend,
Recently I emailed out an article to you titled ‘’IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU’’
The response I got was wonderful, because many of you wrote topics you want me to write about.
Of all the topics, I decided to write about PID, because it seem to be a recurring request among other topics.
PID is well handled in the Secret Fertility System eBook
I must also say that I would have written about this topic earlier but for the strike called by NLC and TUC.
Well finally, the leadership of NLC and TUC met with Mr. President and decided to call off the strike.
All I hope is that the ‘’green notes’’ did not exchange hands at Aso Rock.
But come to think of it
What is difficult for the Federal and State Governments to pay a minimum wage of N18000.
Me, I cannot understand it
The cost of living is very high in Naija and salaries are very low, except that of the politicians.
Not only is the salaries of the politicians so high, they also get a lot of extra you know
And don’t forget the contracts, connections and many other allowances
This has eventually made POLITICS to be the most lucrative business ever in Naija
If not? What did IBB forget in Aso Rock
Why is it that Atiku is ready to jump from one party to another just to get a shot at the highest office in the land.
Do we imagine that their never ending funds are diminishing and they have to get to that office to replenish it.
Only God can answer that
My own be say, make dem pay the N18000 to the common poor worker jo!!!
My friend
I believe you know that all these are the truth, things are really hard in Naija, and also very EXPENSIVE

Imagine healthcare in Naija, it is very very expensive, not to even talk of treating infertility problems
For a simple infertility case, you will not spend less than N200000 cumulatively before you find a solution to the problem.
And for those that the infertility problems continue to prolong, they will definitely spend much more.
And when you eventually get pregnant, which is my earnest prayer for you, so that we can all rejoice soonest.
The cost of antenatal care is another wahala
I have seen many mothers lose their baby and some even their lives because of the financial burden of antenatal care.
Especially where a simple caesarean operation cost a minimum of N150000 nowadays
In fact many other clinics in some high brow areas now cost between N250000 to N500000 for C&S operation
And no forget say pregnancy matter no know rich man or poor man
Pikin  dey expensive o, whether inside the womb or outside.

Now let us not lose the direction of the topic of today
PID just simply means Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PID is made popular by the natural medicine sellers, who made it seem that all infertility problems are due to PID
Especially the over preached and highly popularised Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria.
But I must say this, that most of their claims are false
Staph can be serious, but not for 90% of the cases
It is mainly for those with very low immunity, which you most likely do not fall into.
So do not get scarred
A moderate growth of bacteria in your laboratory test result do not mean a sentence to infertility
If so almost every couple with such result will have infertility , and we know that that one na lie.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the uterus (womb) and Fallopian tubes that can include the ovaries also. The bacteria (germs) that cause the infection usually travel into the uterus from the vagina or cervix (neck of the uterus).
A common cause of PID is from a sexually transmitted infection (the bacteria are passed on when you have sex). A bacterium called chlamydia is the most common cause. Gonorrhoea is another quite common cause of PID. A mixture of chlamydia plus gonorrhoea sometimes occurs. Sometimes the bacteria can be in the cervix for quite some time without causing symptoms before travelling into the uterus. This is why some women develop PID weeks or months after having sex with an infected person.
Some cases of PID are not due to a sexually transmitted infection. The vagina normally contains various bacteria. These are usually harmless and are not passed on by sexual contact. However, these bacteria sometimes cause PID. Such as tuberculosis and Staphyloccocus Aureus, which are not really sexually transmitted, but causes problems if the person concerned have low immunity.
This is more of a risk after having a baby, or after a procedure such as an insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD, and also abortions.
Some Symptoms we can have when we have PID include
[1] Pain in the lower abdomen (pelvic area) is the most common symptom. It can range from mild to severe.
[2] Abnormal vaginal bleeding occurs in about 1 in 4 cases. This may be periods that are heavier than usual, or bleeding between periods, or bleeding after having sex.
[3] Pain during sex.
[4] Abnormal vaginal discharge.
[5] Fever.
[6] Low back pain.
Symptoms may develop quickly. You can become quite ill over a few days. Sometimes symptoms are mild and develop slowly. For example, you may just have a mild abdominal pain that may 'grumble on' for weeks. In some cases no symptoms develop and you do not know that you are infected. However, you are still at risk of complications even if you have no symptoms at first.
You are prone to have PID if you
[a] Recently change sexual partner. The risk goes up with the number of changes of partner.
[b] Had a previous episode of PID or sexually transmitted disease.
[c] Had a recent termination of pregnancy (abortion).
[d] Had a recent operation or procedure to the uterus.
[Had an IUCD inserted recently.
Some few tests can be done to check for PID such as a swab test taken from the cervix. This is to test for bacteria [This is called HVS---High Vaginal Swab], Blood and urine tests may also be taken to look for infecting bacteria or the effects of the infection.

However, even in women who have PID, the swabs and tests may not show any bacteria. Therefore, to help confirm a diagnosis of PID, other tests may be considered. For example, an ultrasound scan may be able to show some fluid in the back of the womb, pelvic abscess or inflamed fallopian tubes.
Many ladies recover from PID without any lasting problems, but if the infection is not treated early or entirely, PID can lead to serious complications. Just one episode of PID increases a woman’s risk of chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and getting PID again.
Some ladies develop PID time after time. This can happen if an infection have not  been completely cured or if you have been reinfected.
Sometimes PID infections develop into an abscess (a pocket of infected fluid). An abscess can be particularly dangerous because it may not go away with antibiotic treatment, and if it bursts , it can be life threatening.
When PID develops in a woman’s fallopian tubes, it can turn the smooth lining of the tubes into scar tissue. This scarring can block the tubes, making it difficult for an egg to pass through them. If a fertilised egg gets stuck in one of the fallopian tubes, it may continue to grow as if it were in the womb. This is an ectopic pregnancy and is a potentially life-threatening situation. In some cases, the embryo may miscarry naturally, but if it continues to grow, the fallopian tube will burst, causing internal bleeding. It is estimated that one in ten pregnancies that occur after an episode of PID will be ectopic.
Infertility — Scarring from PID may be so severe that it blocks the fallopian tubes entirely, making it virtually impossible for an egg to get through. It is estimated that one in five women who develop PID will be infertile as a result. When a woman has more than one episode of PID, her chances of becoming infertile are even higher.
PID can be chronic and lead to scarring, this causes pelvic tissues and organs to stick together, pulling and straining them, and this can be very painful. One in five women who have had PID develop chronic pelvic pain. The pain may be caused by scar tissue (adhesions) that developed before the PID was treated, or it may be that an infection or inflammation has not been cured completely. Some adhesions can be separated surgically and this may help to ease pelvic pain.

In men, the problem of infection, is that it can lead to low sperm count
If it is chronic it can destroy the sperm producing ability of the testicles and also block the ejaculatory ducts , so leading to really bad case of infertility.
Tests  for men with infection include Sperm analysis with culture, Full Blood count and Urine tests
If the sperm count is low , hormonal profile tests, with testicular ultrasound scan is necessary

For accurate assessment of your fertility situation, contact us at JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria.

For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact


We are located at

JOAS HOUSE, 2, Okesuna Street,
Opposite The Synagogue Church Busstop,
Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos
Postcode: 100265



The contents, blogs and postings provided in this site are offered strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical nor financial advice on any matter. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, and if you have any questions regarding the contents please contact us.
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010



Hi my friend,
Mid week is usually a wonderful time for me in any week.
It is far from the stress of Monday and Friday
So it is assumed that all tension is gone for a while

As I woke up this morning to pick a topic to write
A flashback came to me about a very lovely client I had some few years back
Her case never put any joy in me
She was a young lady of 35 years old, good looking and has this wonderful figure 8 , if you imagine what I mean.
Yeah, yeah, she was one of my infertility clients at the clinic.
Of course, you will say, what is the big deal about having a 35 years old infertility client.
After all there are many out there.
Yes, you are right
But imagine a 35 year old pretty client, that has not seen her period for 4 years.
That is sad.
That means that as early as 30 or 31 years , she has already entered menopause.
Of course when she came to our clinic , she has already undergone many studies elsewhere.
We tried to really find out what is happening to her, because this is a condition for 50 or more year old ladies.
After undergoing some serial Transvaginal  Scans, Hormonal Profile tests and added with her symptoms.
It became clear that she is suffering from
The good thing is that , this is not a very popular  condition
It affects just over 2% of ladies
But if you work in the area of infertility like I do, it will almost look like one quarter of ladies
Because they are many and increasing.
Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) is defined as the cessation of ovarian function prior to the age of 40 years.   It is diagnosed in women under age 40 when ovarian function ceases, resulting in an end or pause in menstruation.
In POF there is a decline in the production of Estrogen  ( hormone ) and eggs, resulting in infertility.
The most common first symptom of premature ovarian failure is having irregular periods.
The symptoms can vary considerably from woman to woman and the disorder may occur abruptly or spontaneously or it may develop gradually over several years. Women may experience infertility, hot flashes, the absence of menses, night sweats, irritability, moodiness, Poor concentration, sleep disturbance, Decreased interest in sex, hair coarseness and vaginal dryness.
POF also manifests as intermittent ovarian failure, where the woman may miss her menstrual periods several consecutive months, and then have her menstrual period return spontaneously.
Early indications of premature ovarian failure include menstrual cycles less than 21 days in length, very infrequent or light menstrual periods, and the absence or cessation of menstruation.

The cause of POF is not really clear
It is mainly due to genetic factors
However , inflammation can also cause damage to the ovaries that can lead to POF.

The main tests when we suspect POF is to do some few serial Transvaginal Scans
And also blood hormonal tests to check for FSH , LH , and oestrogen
It is expected in POF for the FH to be high and oestrogen to be low.

 Although often considered a rare disorder, POF actually affects one per cent of women by the age of 40. The average age of onset of POF is 27 years.
So if you are under age 40 and your periods are irregular, or if you miss your period altogether for three months or more, please do not just take it easy.
Find out quickly what is going on with you.
So that treatment can commence quickly.
The less infertile ladies we have the better.
Because the scriptures says ‘’ Go into the world and multiple’’
Also remember ‘’ There shall be non barren in the land’’.

For accurate assessment of your fertility situation, contact us at JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria.

For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact


We are located at

JOAS HOUSE, 2, Okesuna Street,
Opposite The Synagogue Church Busstop,
Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos
Postcode: 100265



The contents, blogs and postings provided in this site are offered strictly for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical nor financial advice on any matter. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, and if you have any questions regarding the contents please contact us.
The informations provided in this site is subject to change without notice.

This site may contain links to other internet sites, we are not responsible for the privacy, practices nor the content of such sites, nor their relationships